AP Physics C – Mechanics, Final Exam




Anything studied during the entire term could show up on the final exam.  For a specific list of topics to study, refer to the lists of objectives found on the nine unit assignments.  Only material that was discussed in class and found on homework assignments will be on the final exam.  Expect questions and problems to be very similar to those that you encountered on homework assignments, lab reports, and unit tests.




The final exam is 35 multiple-choice questions.  There will be no free response questions.  It is the policy of Farragut High School and Knox County Schools that the exam must have this format (your instructor would much prefer a different format).  Expect the questions to be fairly evenly distributed among the various topics of study.  Some questions will deal with definitions and concepts; others will involve numerical problem solving.  Your grade will be determined by the number of correct responses on your answer sheet – there will be no partial credit nor penalty for incorrect responses.




Bring to the final exam pencils, calculator, and blank notebook paper.  The exam will be closed book and closed notes.  You must use a pencil to fill in responses on the answer sheet; however, you may use a pen for work on scratch paper.  The AP information sheet and the AP equation sheet will be supplied for use during the entire exam.  You may also bring to the exam a ruler, a protractor, and/or graph paper, though none of these items are required.




See the College Board’s web site for practice exams and released versions of previous exams.  There are very many appropriate problems for practice within your texts.  Example problems within the chapter have complete solutions, odd-numbered problems at the ends of the chapters have answers in the back of the book.